Additional Material
Chapter 2
Additional information of examples and brands mentioned on Chapter 2: If a client doesn’t perceive a difference, they will decide based on price.
Techron gasoline aditive
Website that explains product features: Techron
Farmacias Similares
Farmacias Similares (Similar Pharmacies) website: Farmacias Similares
Juan Valdez differentiates a commodity
Juan Valdez Promotional video • Café de Colombia historic ads • Book: Juan Valdez, la estrategia detrás de la marca (Juan Valdez, the strategy behind the brand) • Juan Valdez Communication article.
Article that explains the evolution of Juan Valdez communication (Spanish): Juan Valdez, más que una campaña publicitaria.
The Price of Everything
Book The Price of Everything from Eduardo Porter, where explains that the price is a relative function of perceived value: The Price of Everything.