Additional Material
Chapter 5
Additional information of examples and brands mentioned on Chapter 5: The art of differentiation.
Differentiation concept evolution
1933 – Edward Chamberlin: Theory of monopolistic competition.
1961 – Reeves Rosser: Unique Selling Proposition
1980 – Theodore Levitt: Marketing success through differentiation of everything.
1985 – Michael Porter: Differentiation strategy.
2000 – Jack Trout: Differentiate or die.

Millward Brown differentiation study
Reference to the Millward Brown study • Link to the book The Meaningful Brand on Amazon • Video from Nigel Hollis explaining what is a Meaningful Brand.
Differentiated brands sell more at higher prices: Meaningfully Different Framework
Book from Nigel Hollis (Millward Brown Chief Global Analyst): The Meaningful Brand: How Strong Brands Make More Money